Friday, August 10, 2007

Today In History

2006-British authorities announced they had thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up 10 aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in hand luggage.

1995-Norma McCorvey, "Jane Roe" in the 1973 Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, announced she had joined the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue.

1994-President Bill Clinton claimed presidential immunity in asking a federal judge to dismiss, at least for the time being, a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by Paula Corbin Jones, a former Arkansas state employee.

1988-President Ronald Reagan signed a measure providing $20,000 payments to Japanese-Americans interred by the U.S. government during World War II.

1949-The National Military Establishment was renamed the Department of Defense.

1944-American forces overcame Japanese resistance on Guam during World War II.

AP Highlight in History:
On Aug. 10, 1977, postal employee David Berkowitz was arrested in Yonkers, N.Y., accused of being the "Son of Sam" gunman responsible for six random slayings and seven woundings.
AP Photo

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