Sunday, August 26, 2007

Vast army of ‘Hillary haters’ has claws out

This “IS” ALMOST too funny!

Here we go with the lamest of the lame losers going off whining about the obscurity abyss the Chief Leninist of the DNC will soon find her self sinking into. This article is a Godsend.

Thanks, Jill Zuckman. She is apparently a graduate for the same Moonbats In Training school as the idiot from Huff and Puff.

I was wondering where all these Moonbats from the Fruit Loop Brigades were coming from and we have it right here.

Chicago Tribune…LOL!!

DALLAS - Richard Collins, a wealthy Texas philanthropist, businessman and political aficionado, heaps praise on the woman he has set out to destroy, Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.).

“She looks like a winner,” said Collins, sitting in his high-rise office with sweeping views of the city. “She’s run a good campaign, very consistent, no mistakes.”

But make no mistake about it: Collins is just one in a vast army of professional “Hillary haters” who are banking on Clinton becoming the Democratic nominee. Like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in the 2004 election who denigrated John Kerry’s military service in Vietnam, Collins and others are searching for just the thing that will crystallize the way voters think and feel about her.

What is with these sad-sacked Slumber Party attendees on the left? There is a conspiracy under every rock. One could draw the conclusion that since they slither out from beneath the rocks, one would see the conspiracies. Simply amazing. Come one, come all. This is all too good!

Hillary, the Budding Leninist is a Clear and Present Danger and I don’t care if Hillary is a man, woman or any combination thereof. She talks from both sides of her backsides and has the nerve and the audacity to charge people with doing the exact same things she does. Double Standards. Plain and simple.

She comes across one way while hiding her darker side from the public eye and her followers are dumber than a box of turtle turds.

Come on Hillary! What’s the deal?


rave it

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