Thursday, August 16, 2007

We, The New Media, Win Again

Yesterday, some of us "rabid Right Wing Blog Swarmers" wrote articles and posted items on our blogs, emailed the State Department and several law enforcement agencies.

Well, it worked. We were heard and appropriate action was taken.

The post on this blog, is in regards to a web site hosted in Texas where a 60-page Jihadi document was available in the instructions as to the proper manner of which to kidnap Americans and if the need kill them.

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on your point of view and way of thinking, the alert was brought to our attention by MEMRI. If you don't know who they are, that is your problem and your bad, not mine.

The popular Islamist-jihadist forum, hosted by RealWebHost in Texas, U.S., recently posted an anonymously written document from 2003 titled "The Excellent Summary of the Rules of the Art of Kidnapping Americans." The 60-page guide describes each stage of the kidnapping, explaining how to select the target and then how to follow him, seize him, transport him to a safe location, and hold him there, as well as how to conduct negotiations. The guide also explains how to execute the hostage should negotiations fail.

The page in question has since been taken down.

Thank you fellow members of The New Media and a special thanks to the State Department.


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