Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What EXACTLY "IS" Hillary Hiding?

And why? If Hillary aspires to be First Czarina of the United States, and she self-applauds her self-vaunted Good Deeds accomplished as First Lady, why, then, has she had her "records of achievements" locked up until AFTER the 2008 Presidential Elections?

I will tell you why. She is a closet communist. Her aspirations are to have a "Communal Society". Her goal is to have a federally sanctioned Robin Hood dictatorship dressed in Touchy-Feely Rhetoric. Ever hear of Karl Marx?

In a previous post on this blog yesterday, I outlined The List of 45 as presented to the CONgress in 1963 as one can so read in the book, The Naked Communist. There are other posts on this which can be found in the Tags section of the blog. Just look for "List of 45". Therein, one will find links galore to read and study.

Apparently, seeing that her thesis on her hero Alinsky has recently been made available for all to see, she is worried that her now "secret" documents will shed further light on the extension of her and Bill's 20-Year Plan. If the links in the post in regards to the Alinsky Thesis "no longer work", fear not and let not your heart be troubled...I have the pdf file.

More on Hillary's socialistic and communistic tendencies can be located all over the internet but there is no need to search. I, and others, have already accomplished the research. Naturally, you will want to substantiate these facts on your own which, by the way, is indeed commendable. For in-depth coverage and the exposure of the would-be Czarina, check out the Hot Rodham Blog which, is associated with the web site, Stop Her Now.

Clear and Present Danger
Communist In Liberal Garb
Dubious Character
Socialist Ties

The above are merely a scratch in the surface at the Hot Rodham Blog. There are links therein. Prove me wrong. The gauntlet has been tossed.

Also, in the VODPOD at the Hot Rodham Blog, there are videos galore where Hillary herself as subliminally exposed her true calling to be Czarina. The problem "IS", she doesn't know it. To the keen eye and the sharp mind, it "IS" all too clear.
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton cites her experience as a compelling reason voters should make her president, but nearly 2 million pages of documents covering her White House years are locked up in a building here, obscuring a large swath of her record as first lady.
Two million? She isn't all that Green Friendly to trees, "IS" she?

"IS" anyone buying into this garbage?
Before documents are released, archives staff must read them and, by law, must redact material that they determine contains classified information, invades a person's privacy, reveals trade secrets, reveals confidential advice from presidential advisors or raises other concerns specified in the records law.

Asked how long it might be before Hillary Clinton's records are released, the library's chief archivist said it could take years.
Yeah. Sure. Like they haven't ALREADY been read, cataloged and sorted. If you believe that lie, I'll introduce to you an intelligent Cindy Sheehan.

For an additional "ha-has" and another "OH MY GOD!", please check this out.

One more post of note and relevance: Hillary The Budding Leninist

By the way...I ain't the ONLY one buzzing....

Peter Nicholas / Los Angeles Times:
Clinton's first lady records locked up — Archivists say the former first lady's documents at her husband's presidential library won't be released until after the '08 vote. — LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton cites her experience as a compelling reason voters should make her president …
Link Search: Google, Ask, Technorati, Sphere, and IceRocket

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