Friday, September 14, 2007

Black Five Smells Blood

And Uncle Jimbo is HOT on the trail. LOSE THE HOUNDS!!

And Rudy is going for the Carotid Artery.

The trouble with all of this is as follows. There isn't one single man remaining in CONgress or Law Enforcement that has jurisdiction in these matters that has what it takes to enforce the Rule Of Law. They live in FEAR of the Political Correctness Nazis and the Identity Politics Nazis and the Multiculturalism Nazis.

Only the Leftinistra and their Hounds of Baskerville are allowed to break the laws and claim "ignorance". Only those promoting defeat are allowed to do as they please. They have had their way for decades and the Conservative Tsunami is rising.

America Is Rising. Come Hell or High Water and by God Above, these cretins will pay.

Be afraid ye Leftinistra. Be sorely afraid. Your time has come and your time in the sand will soon ebb into obscurity.

Mark my words.

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