Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bush Asks Congress To Back Troop Levels

As ReidCo has once again attempted to take his ball and go home, seeing that the wee lad, spoiled brat at that, isn't getting his way, Vets For Freedom, allied with Families United, severely trounced all trolls encountered with courage, professionalism and without mercy.

It is organizations such as ours that has the Pulse of America and none others can make such claims with any substantiation, other than some convoluted poll from Iraq or some similar nonsense as that.
WASHINGTON - President Bush, cheered on by Iraq war veterans and their families on the White House's South Lawn, urged lawmakers Tuesday to back his plan to withdraw some troops from Iraq but keep at least 130,000 through next summer or longer.

"I ask the United States Congress to support the troop levels and the strategies I have embraced," Bush said, to loud cheers and chants of "USA! USA!"
As moonbats we encountered chanted inane, useless and rhetorical chants, reminiscent of the Love In Chants of "make love not war" of the 60s and 70s, we Patriots raised the clouds cover the South Lawn with chants of USA! USA!! USA!!!. There were multiple responses to the President via HOOAH! and OO-RAH!! We were and are, Brothers, banded together. Together, united in our cause, there can be no substantial or viable opposition. They flee from our presence as the cowards they are

Us Brothers were on the watch for the infamous Code Pinko anti-troop banner but the cowards either knew better than to present it or were too afraid of 250+ Vets and active duty warriors in one place.
The president briefly addressed about 850 members of military support organizations who were invited to the White House for coffee, juice and pastries. With almost everyone wearing red shirts, people from several organizations gathered at picnic tables set up on the South Lawn in the morning sun.
This was a first ever event such as this one hosted on the South Lawn. We asked several of the Overseers if this was a normal; event and we were told time and again by different people that never before have picnic tables and chefs been on the South Lawn.

As I have said in several prior writings, we have made history and we shall be victorious.

The following 4-month wonder and liar had 50 of his mutant cowards, liars and fools present and the idiot, still wearing the uniform violated several articles of the UCMJ with this statement.
"W need to refocus on the war on terror," said Jon Soltz, co-founder of Votevets, which is sending members around Capitol Hill to lobby on its position. "Right now, we have a policy where 90 percent of our military is stuck in Iraq. We need to have a strategy ... dedicated to destroying al-Qaida."
Not only is Stolz a fool, he is indeed a liar, reminiscent of "Juan Carry". Where this moron gets its skewed numbers from is beyond discussions of reality. If 90% of the military is in Iraq, where is the other 10%? According with this idiot's numbers, the United States military has approximately 200,000 members. Is it any wonder why members of CONgress consider this fool and ITS following to be complete fools?

We have a strategy that is working and we are winning this war. Stolz and company need to consult with Murtha The King Fool for better talking dulls.

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