Monday, September 24, 2007

Did "We" Insult the Little Man From Iran?


Too bad and so sad...NOT!

What a moron. I watched the entire exchange and the little boy that would be a man did NOT answer any of the questions asked of IT and the dweeb that was asking the questions did NOT hold the little man's feet to the fire in that regard. The little man walked all over him. THAT is the sad part of the whole exchange.

Iranian Leader, Calling Introductory Remarks Insulting, Addresses Columbia

From Hot Air:
Think of this as the right-wing version of Colbert’s performance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last year. And for the record, the money line is wrong: Ahmadinejad may be many things but a dictator he isn’t. That honor falls to Khamenei; this turd is just the mouthpiece.

Michelle Malkin has a grand flowing update of the little man's visit and empty words.

My take, having listened to the exchange is this. He is a GREAT Democrat. He danced very well around every question. When asked why he finances terrorist organizations, he said that his country has been attacked by terrorists. He denied arming terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan and the proof of those activities has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Yep. Great liar. Great Democrat. when the shoe fits...

Catch the wave

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