Sunday, September 2, 2007

Fight For Victory Tour Itinerary


Join the caravan if you can and attend the rallies in your area, no matter how far you must travel to do so.

Snooper and associates will be linking up with the caravan in Dallas and fall in with the trek to DC.

Take Our Country Back will be blogging each event, as much as possible, and will be on Blog Talk Radio with three others on the 15th.

Tune in and listen and call in as you are able. Check the scheduling of the shows and witness history as we trounce all trolls.

Eagles Up!!

(Day 6) Saturday Sept 8 2007

9:00 AM - San Antonio, TX Rally
Bass Pro
Front Parking Lot
17907 1H-10 West
San Antonio, TX 78257
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

2:00 PM Waco, TX Rally
Pro-Troop Rally & Caravan Gathering Point
Wal-Mart Supercenter - Parking Lot
1521 Interstate 35 N, Waco, TX - [CLICK HERE for MAP]
We will stop here to meet up with other local supporters and then caravan in to Crawford, Texas in a string of patriotic red, white and blue decorated vehicles. So meet us there and have lots of patriotic flair on your vehicles!
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

3:15 PM - Crawford, TX
Pro-Troop Rally & News Conference
The Yellow Rose
6689 North Lone Star Parkway
Crawford, TX - [CLICK HERE for MAP]
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

7:15 PM Dallas, TX
Pro-Troop Rally & Press Conference
Flag Pole Hill
Buckner & NW Highway
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

8:30 PM Arrive in Dallas at Double Tree Hotel
8250 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75206
Supporters can welcome arrival of caravan and bring cards/letters for wounded warriors to the hotel.

Arrive Dallas, TX Hotl 8:30 PM

(Day 7) Sunday Sept 9 2007

*Special Note to Colorado Supporters:* Gathering of Eagles Colorado Chapter holds 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM pro-troop rally. At 8:00 AM they will then depart in a caravan of vehicles to join up with the main “Fight for Victory Tour” caravan in Wichita, Kansas. More information available - HERE
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

Leave Dallas, TX 9:00 AM

1:15 PM - Oklahoma City, OK
Pro-Troop Rally & News Conference
Coca Cola Bricktown Events Center
425 E. California Ave, Oklahoma City, OK - [CLICK HERE for MAP]
Red Hawks Ball Park parking lot across from Bass Pro
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

5:45 PM - Wichita, KS
Pro-Troop Rally & News Conference
Keeper of the Plains Monument
Note new location
Park in lot on Central Ave just north of the keeper
650 N Seneca st, Wichita, KS - [CLICK HERE for MAP]
Bring letters, cards, notes of support & appreciation for our wounded warriors to this event, we will collect them and bring them to our recovering troops at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. at the conclusion of the national caravan.

Arrive Wichita, KS Hotel 7:00 PM

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