Friday, September 14, 2007

HR 1585 Is Another Version of Shamnesty

Here we go again with the Dick Durbin socialist give away program in the hopes of cultivating some votes in the future. I wonder if this would even be an issue of the Leftinistra if we hadn't, as a nation, killed off several generations of voters via abortions.

If you don't want to pay, don't play. Overturn roe v Wade and let the states sort it out individually. What we will find, as Mitt Romney and others have said, the abortion rates will plummet.

The above is truly indicative of the Double Standards of the Leftinistra. This is a travesty of which the penalties thereof we, as a nation, are now suffering from. The core values of the Leftinistra are in a void.

Why do they not wail and gnash teeth over this issue?

As for HR 1585, why is it that the Leftinistra are so set on giving ILLEGAL ALIENS, CRIMINALS, that which the American Citizenry does NOT have access to? What message are they sending to the citizen proper? What message are they sending to criminals?

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