Friday, September 28, 2007

I Was Wondering Where The Would-Be SecDef Has Been Hiding

And now we know. She has been whining about the border fence. Now I am sorry I ever wondered. Now I wish she was still hunkered down with her head in the sand. She is dumber than I ever thought.

The House's top Democrat, attending a Hispanic conference in the Rio Grande Valley Thursday, called it a "terrible idea" to build a fence on the U.S.-Mexico border. Last week, the Department of Homeland Security announced plans to build fencing over roughly 370 miles of the Mexican border, plus 200 miles of vehicle barriers, by late 2008.


All this is absolutely unacceptable in an age when global terrorist organizations are sworn to kill as many Americans as they can, preferably within the U.S. homeland.

Yet the speaker of the House is up in arms about border control dividing communities. The terrorists who would cross our unsecured border want to obliterate our communities.

Yep. Still dumber than a box of turtle turds.

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