Sunday, September 23, 2007

IShouldBeInAStraightJacket From Iran Is What? UPDATED

Check this out!
Americans against Ahmadinejad; Update: Planning to meet 9/11 families and ‘war critics’?!
What in the hell is wrong with these people?

The Patriots of this country have a message for this little Jihadi:

I get first dibs to help IT place the wreath where it belongs...

The little puke comes to the US after an anti-America and anti-Israel parade with banners that say Death to the Us anD Israel and we allow this enemy shiite onto our shores? WTFO?

Power Line has some choice verbiage
On the eve of President Ahmadinejad's visit to New York, Tehran was the scene of a massive display of Iranian military might. The occasion was the anniversary of the beginning of Iran's eight-year war against Iraq. Ahmadinejad and Iranian military leaders presided over the parade:
So does Little Green Footballs

Tomorrow, Iranian thug-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leaves for New York, to speak at the UN and be feted by the National Press Club and Columbia University, and by “progressives.”

Today, he presided over a huge parade of military hardware, featuring slogans such as “Down with USA” with an image of a burning US flag.

He’ll fit right in at Columbia.

Check out the FARS Report

Tehran - After having been rejected by the United States administration to visit the site of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is now planning to meet the families of the 9/11 victims, Fars news agency reported.

Fars, which is close to the presidential office, further reported that Ahmadinejad would also meet US war critics and give a speech at the University of Columbia and answer to questions by students and lecturers.

The Fars report has not yet been officially confirmed.

Ahmadinejad is due to leave Sunday for New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly, where he is to give an address.

The microsecond this fool steps onto our shores, he needs to be arrested for waging war on the United States and directly killing our Troops.

Follow the updates to the protests as they start flowing at Wake Up America

Pictures are beginning to flow in...slowly. These are pics from the protests starting earlier today.

Catch the wave

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