Sunday, September 30, 2007

John McCain Exposes His Ignorance of Islam

Anyone in contact with Senator John McCain and able to influence him could perform a valuable public service by directing him to this blog, where he could learn a little about Islam before opening his mouth and inserting his foot.

The Senator gave an interview to beliefnet. Here is a prime excerpt. Note: the video did not perform well on dial up. They promise more video and transcripts Monday.

  • I admire the Islam. There's a lot of good principles in it. I think one of the great tragedies of the 21st century is that these forces of evil have perverted what's basically an honorable religion. But, no, I just have to say in all candor that since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles.... personally, I prefer someone who I know who has a solid grounding in my faith. But that doesn't mean that I'm sure that someone who is Muslim would not make a good president.
  1. What good principles does McCain find in Islam? Perhaps its wankahoo with slave girls and 9 year olds?
  2. Is it the ordination of fighting?
  3. Or terror?
  4. Or taking booty?
  5. Or female inferiority?
  6. What makes that ignoramus declare that Islam was corrupted in the 21st century when it has a 1384 year track record of rapine??!??
  7. Doesn't he know about 2:216, 2:190, 8:12 , 8:39, 8:60, 8:67,9:5, 9:29, 9:111, 47:4, 48:15-20 & 61:4 ???
  8. Has he never seen Sahih Bukhari's books of Jihad or Khumus nor Al-Misri's Reliance of the Traveler?
It appears that Senator McCain thinks that Usama bin Laden invented Jihad, genocide & terrorism and perverted a religion of peace by introducing bida. How far he is from the truth!!! If only he had read our Myth vs Fact series, which exposes the Qur'anic origin of those evils which Muhammad practiced!!

Catch the wave:

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