Sunday, September 23, 2007

KOSmonoffs Deathly Afraid of...Truth

Those of us that are "in the know" and have been keeping in touch with military units in the field, paying attention to CENTCOM, Defense News and the like, MEMRI, various military briefings, and every milblog in the known universe, knows beyond a reasonable doubt that Iran has been furnishing high-tech weapons to AQ in Iraq and Afghanistan, thus being directly involved in killing and wounding American Troops. This is an act of war on the part of Iran, plain and simple.

This evening on 60 minutes, the Little man from Iran was interviewed and he was asked point blank penetrating questions. He danced around the issues and did what our own Leftinistra do...distract and change the subject. He started talking about hurricane Katrina for crying out loud.

Again, are our own Lame Stream Media getting their talking dulls from our enemies or are our enemies getting their talking dulls from our own Lame Stream Media? Just curious.

Little Green Footballs has the digs: this is from the KOSmonoff worry-wart

I am sitting here absolutely stunned after watching the 60 Minutes interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Reporter Scott Pelley was unbelievably scary in asking the questions he asked.

At the moment, I’m at a loss for words, but if you watched it, and were as stunned as I was, please let me know. I need a sanity check.

I’m going to have to wait for a transcript, but here’s what immediately scared me:

* Pelley’s “questions” (allegedly from George Bush)
* Pelley’s declarations that the U.S. had “proof of Iran firing missiles at Americans in Iraq”
* Pelley’s assertations that “Iran is providing material support to Iraq insurgents. We have proof. What do you say?” ... or something like that. Very close.

It was a masterful Goebel-esque performance by 60 Minutes on behalf of Dick Cheney.

I’m telling you, it was scary beyond belief.

CBS has the interview posted here:

How DARE someone ask pointed questions to one of our enemies!

Poor KOSmonoff flakes. Anyone have a pacifier for the poor and trembling fool?

These idiots actually think GWB/Cheney run CBS. What idiots!

The buzz:
Achmadinejad says Israel is not a Nation
The Corner
Front Page Magazine
Dingbat has a crush on the Little Man

Trackback: Blue Crab BLVD

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