Friday, September 7, 2007

MAF Fight For Victory Tour...Day 4

Updates to follow but here is a preliminary report. It is indeed a powerful one. Click the link and refresh the page from time to time to get the whole deal.

It is a short one, more than likely due to the exhaustion.
Patience is the silver bullet to the surrender crowd

Debbie Lee stood still, her hands clutching a poster-size photo of her son who gave his life for America’s freedom and security. Standing nearby was Deborah Johns, a proud mother whose son has served three tours in Iraq and signed on for a fourth.

The two women told their sons’ stories as more than a hundred individuals stood and stand in silence.

This was only our second stop at Move America Forward on our “Fight for Victory Tour.” We were very late - more than an hour. But there was a crowd, some dressed in their retired military uniforms, some with their dogs dressed in red, white and blue.

What was missing were the loud-mouthed, whining protesters. It was then, during the solemn, respectful gathering that I knew for sure that America will win this war against radical Muslim Jihadists.

Our biggest critics, the enemy within, didn’t have the chutzpah too wait an hour so they could prattle on with their tired protests. It’s no wonder they can’t stand more than a few years of war.

Yes. We will win this war, in spite of the ReidCos and the PelosiCos and the SchumerCos.

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