Monday, September 10, 2007

Michael Yon...Don’t Ask Me What I Think about the Petraeus Report

He says to ask the Commanders

Don’t Ask Me What I Think about the Petraeus Report

Read the latest dispatch, published at National Review Online. Please click here.

One paragraph below. Read the rest at NRO.

Weeks ago, as the deadline for General David Petraeus’s progress report on the war loomed, journalists were already asking me what I thought of it. Then, as now, I do not know what to think of the report since it is not yet published. Even this coming week, after listening to the general’s testimony before Congress, I will have to read the report and transcripts numerous times, sleep on the information, and reflect on it in light of my own observations of the situation in Iraq. The outcome of the war in Iraq, and to some extent the greater War on Terror, will largely depend upon our decisions today. The outcome is too important for quick words. Many will try to be the first to report on the report, and their reports likely will be the most unreliable.

Thank God above for men such as this. The Leftinistra can learn of courage and that which "IS" right from such men but, they prefer to listen to those that deface Vietnam Memorials.

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