Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Michael Yon...Hunting al Qaeda, Part I of III

Below is an excerpt from the latest from Michael Yon. This man, as others like him in Indian Country, brave the elements not because they have been told to go or they have been assigned the duty. They go because they KNOW the truth and amazingly, their reports mirror the reports of General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker to our pathetic CONgress in recent days.

Click the links provided to read the rest and don't forget to donate to the cause of Michael Yon.

Hunting al Qaeda, Part I of III

Witches Sink, Insurgents Float

[American Soldiers at War: 1-12 CAV in Baqubah. Bradley commander giving me a lift from FOB Warhorse to COP White Castle.

Writing these words from downtown Baqubah at a place called Combat Outpost White Castle, I am surrounded by soldiers from Alpha Company 1-12 Cav who are preparing for combat. Tomorrow, [15 July] they will clear a dangerous palm grove that abuts the Diyala River, a place where just last night approximately 7 suspected enemy were killed by American forces. Among the dead apparently were several members of Tonto’s family.

But before tomorrow’s mission, there is today’s mission, which includes linking up with 1920 Revolution Brigades [1920s] to swap information. Open enemies of the Coalition until recently, the 1920s are proficient fighters who have joined the Coalition to destroy al Qaeda. At the conclusion of that meeting, our destination will be a potato chip and juice factory, and a manager who wants to talk about jump-starting the business.

Before our Bradley’s roll, a 20 year-old U.S. soldier from Kiev, Ukraine sees my camera and begins telling me about a Russian journalist who had come here some months ago. Unlike me, Dmitry Chebotayev was a true war correspondent experienced at covering conflicts. The soldiers told me that Dmitry was good; they liked him.

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