Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Move America Forward Report Day One

Wow! What an incredible first day for the Move America Forward "Fight for Victory Tour." We launched the tour just as the news media was reporting that President Bush had timed a special surprise trip to Iraq to thank U.S. troops for their service to this nation. Needless to say this inspired our crowds and the Move America Forward team alike.

The staff at Move America Forward are writing this report at 1:44 AM after a wonderful, and long, first day.

In Carson City we had 150-200 people show up, waving American Flags and singing. Congressman Duncan Hunter of the House Armed Services Committee gave a fabulous speech, as did Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee and Blue Star Mom Deborah Johns. TV cameras reported on the event.... We were the top story on the local news/talk radio station, the local newspaper covered the event. It was fantastic!

We hit lots of traffic crossing the Sierra Nevada mountain range as we left Carson City, Nevada and headed for Sacramento, California. We arrived a bit late, but there were still over 100 proud patriotic Americans on hand. Again, more TV cameras, and the local country music station was there to sponsor the event and broadcast reports.

We next had to get to San Francisco, but with the Bay Bridge closed for repairs we were forced to take a long circuitous route into the most liberal, anti-war bastion in this nation. But nothing could seem to stop our momentum, and the CBS and NBC affiliates were on hand to interview the big crowd in San Francisco. That crowd cheered and waved flags as our caravan arrived, and we felt so proud to be standing with so many wonderful Americans who will not allow the media, nor political activists, to undermine the missions of our troops serving overseas.

By the end of the day we had rallied several hundred Americans before a phalanx of media outlets who were reporting to the general public that there is a resurgence of activity and support from the pro-troop movement.

On Tuesday we start off in Modesto, California with a pro-troop rally at 7:00 AM before heading to Fresno, California for a 10:00 AM rally and then to Los Angeles, California for a 3:15 PM rally, and then we head to San Diego to get situated at our hotel there (and probably greet more people who will gather to greet our arrival there).

We're making outstanding progress - so much so that it has even surpassed our best expectations, and while we are all very tired from the strenuous pace and enormous amount of work that is involved we are nevertheless driven forward by motivation, determination and pride.

Singer Diana Nagy will knock your socks off, you HAVE to come to one of our stops to see her perform. She has touched our hearts and souls! Melanie Morgan and Lt. Colonel Buzz Patterson of Move America Forward kicked off each event with such dynamic power and enthusiasm that it set the tone for our positive, uplifting, patriotic effort. We just cannot come up with enough adjectives to convey to you how extraordinarily exciting this first day has been!

We're posting reports and pictures here:

And we are also thankful that so many of you continue to send us contributions to help us purchase the TV, radio and Internet advertising to keep getting the word out about the upcoming pro-troop rally stops.

Contributions can be made online here:

Or you can contributed via PayPal here:

We'll report more soon!

- Sal, Joe, Danny and Ryan from the "Fight for Victory Tour" caravan - currently in Modesto, California.

P.S. A special note of thanks to all the great people at FreeRepublic.com who have been helping us with this effort!

AND!! From our very own Dean...aka solo!! A True Friend and Patriot that overcame obstacles to get himself to the events of Day One of Fight For Victory Tour! KUDOS DEAN!!

The below account is unedited and uncensored...

LOL. Well I'm a little late with this but here goes.
Long drive up and physically taxing. I arrived early and reconnoitered the area to locate enemy encampments and patrols. None sighted at 07:00. Moved position to locate the main body of friendly forces at Holiday Inn Express. They were there so after a short break and head call for me and the dog I returned to the area of operations at Mills Park. Another recon revealed no enemy activity at 07:45. Two groups of friendlies were found so I mustered them to roll call and helped with planning. Assisted these people setting up a couple of booths, flags, tents, and established a perimeter. Another recon indicated enemy activity was light and well away form our camp.

08:30 many friendly forces begin arriving. Reconned the perimeter once more and picked up one lone moonbat carrying a sign that read, "End The War - Out of Iraq Now". He attempted to infiltrate the camp but was stopped before he could do damage by me. I confronted the aging hippie who, by the way, smelled of goats, ganja, and feces. Yellow teeth too. He made several attempts to go around my confrontation but I countered moving swiftly to head him off each time. He was told by me that he was not welcome here and was not invited to this party.

He screamed I was infringing on his 1st Amendment rights to which I responded "Get your sorry smelly ass out of here". He made one more attempt to get by me by getting in my face using his sign as a shield. Once again I stopped him with a stern warning, "Get the sign out of my face and go away before I take "that" sign and shove it up your ass." He began frothing at the mouth screaming more unintelligible raves about 1st Amendment rights and being threatened.

For some reason he suddenly turned away and exited the area in much haste. Thinking I had won a major firefight all by my lonesome, I turned to go back to camp and was immediately met by 8 or 9 friendlies all laughing their asses off. They congratulated me laughing, shaking hands stating "We had your back bro." The enemy infiltrator never returned.

This ends military after action report.

Let the festivities begin. (to be continued)

Man what a day! All major players showed up at the scheduled time 09:00 including Duncan Hunter who was apparently on his way east. Perhaps pictures will show more than I can say, see attached.
I had the honor to meet Debbie Lee, Duncan Hunter, Debborah Johns, Col. "Buzz" Patterson and was able to speak with them for a brief period. Amazing people and well motivated! After a few minutes of friendly chat I once again returned to the perimeter to check enemy positions. See attached.
According to some reports there were over 200 friendlies and around 40 or so protesters. My assessment was at least 170 friendlies and 12 enemy counted. All in front of hairy "dickweeds" office on our side of the road. If there were more enemies they remained in the shadows and undetected. We had them outnumbered at least 14 to 1. And it goes without saying outclassed.

I am always impressed by the conduct of our people. They are clean, well groomed, well spoken and fired up. Lots of happy faces and lots of Red, White, and Blue. HOOYAH! My kind of people...PATRIOTS everyone of them.


The return trip was delayed by at least an hour due to heavy traffic...bumper to bumper for at least 100 miles.

No major incidents to report in Sacramento as the caravan arrived and continued with the festivities.
Moonbats had vandalized and defaced the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Capitol grounds. Volunteers were busy cleaning up the mess and today I am headed back there to help. Apparently the damage was done in the wee hours or late night and went undetected by police patrolling the grounds. Coffee break perhaps? The dribbling little creeps aren't stupid so they probably had lookouts. From the looks of the damage it was done quickly with no method to the madness. Damage was minor but ugly. I didn't take pictures mainly because I don't want to be reminded of the incident. The news stations have it recorded.
Returned home checked e-mail and visited your blog and Spree's to make sure that she was able to live blog the event. I checked in with Deb Johns and another lady to make sure Spree was on the list for live updates and pictures. Could not enlist any additional volunteers to aid in the effort but didn't spend alot of time at it considering I was just a little bit busy with perimeter control. LOL.

I begged the moonbats to move a little closer and they responded by moving further away except for two brave mindless wonders who were picked up by others on patrol. I got pictures of these two fools..."We Support The Troops - Bring Them Home Now." Fucking idiots..........

And, we even have some pictures from Dean...

The Protest...LOL Sept.3, 2007

Move America Forward September 3, 2007 Message to the left

More Protesters....LMAO

Message to Harry

Deb Lee, Duncan Hunter, Deb Johns

Dean says This little lady can sing!

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