Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Olbermann IS Whining Again...Get Over It...Your Side Has Lost Your War

In addition to this post made earlier today and, just before turning in for the usual 4 hours of nappy time, I made one last pass and found the following.

Keith Olbermann is whining that "Bush just playing us with 'troop withdrawal'" No wonder "they" are known as MSLSD. Hey, Keith? Remember that little video you did in response to The Right Brothers with that "Bush Was Right" take? Well, now, Keith me lad, it has come to bite you in the arse and I am LMAOAYROF!! Quit your whining little one. Go find ReidCo and give him a hug for us, OK?

Some would have us believe that Olbermann is a professional. At what? Moron journalism? I wonder if there is a PhD in stupid.

Catch the buzz at memeorandum

I wasn't going to do this to poor Whiner Olbermann but, since the gloves are off, what the hell.

Here is the Right Brothers "Bush Was Right" video:

Here is the "professional" response from a "respected" moron:

Any questions?

Didn't think so. Hey Olbermann? LMAOROFLMAOAY!!


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