Sunday, September 16, 2007

President Bush Speaks With Bloggers and Embeds

This is late in coming but I was traveling when this originally came out. Regardless, it is indeed worthy of further discussion. Obviously, Blogdom is playing a key role in this fighting of the insurgency here at home.

Michelle has the goods here:

NZ Bear of The Victory Caucus and The Truth Laid Bear has the goods here:

Bill Roggio of The Fourth Rail was there:

Black Five here:

Mrs Greyhawk here:

Threats Watch here:

Ward Carroll here:

A special perspective here:

Iraq the Model was there:

Bill Ardolino here:

Click the links and learn that GWB is in touch with realities of Indian Country and knows much more than the Leftinistra will admit to and that the Leftinistra are upset about NOT knowing what GWB does. It just makes this warrior's blood boil.

Breaking news...

Today, the Armorer and a group of milbloggers participated in a tiny bit of history.

We got to meet the President of the United States. And talk with him for an hour.

With two of us linking in courtesy of the 3rd Infantry Division in Baghdad, we sat down a little before 10AM in the Roosevelt Room of the White House and literally had a chat with the President.

President Bush observed, that as far as he knows, this was the first time that a sitting President had hosted a group of bloggers for a chat at the White House. If that's in fact true - then we got to make a little history today. If it's not true, I'm sure the Peasants with Pitchforks will quickly disabuse us of the notion!

Soldier On! HOOAH!!

WaPo whines about it

Catch the wave

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