Thursday, September 20, 2007

The President v MoveOn

Hat Tip to Hot Air for this video...

The text of the Q&A session can be found here and it is the very last question...

Q What is your reaction to the ad that mocked General Petraeus as General "Betrayus," and said that he cooked the books on Iraq? And secondly, would you like to see Democrats, including presidential candidates, repudiate that ad?

THE PRESIDENT: I thought the ad was disgusting. I felt like the ad was an attack not only on General Petraeus, but on the U.S. military. And I was disappointed that not more leaders in the Democrat Party spoke out strongly against that kind of ad. And that leads me to come to this conclusion: that most Democrats are afraid of irritating a left-wing group like -- or more afraid of irritating them than they are of irritating the United States military. That was a sorry deal. It's one thing to attack me; it's another thing to attack somebody like General Petraeus.

And the Leftinistra tremble. Their Shadow Party has been exposed. seeing that Moveon has stated several times that they "own" the Democratic Party, they have proclaimed that the Presidential Aspirants will adhere to their will and not the American People. Sounds like a socialistic or communistic ideology to me.

No matter the color of the distraction attempts by the Leftinistra, we, the New Media, will NOT let this go until justice is served and the heads of the leadership of MoveOn and similar groups have their heads delivered to our enemies in pig-blood soaked baskets.

I am an American Fighting Man. I swore an oath many moons ago to protect the Constitution of the United Stats from foreign and domestic enemies.

Let's Roll.

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