Friday, September 21, 2007

Signs of a Possible Rift in the Iranian Leadership on the Nuclear Issue

Seeing that there has been evidence of unhappy citizens within the borders of Iran, The Land of The Aryan, as of lately, now there are reports that some folks within the Nuclear Community within the borders of Iran are expressing the logistics of being recipients of the hardware which can be delivered to Iran, via special delivery, by the 7th Fleet.

I wonder why the Leftinistra pay no attention to MEMRI.
As part of Iran's diplomatic efforts to prevent increased sanctions against it in the U.N. Security Council session slated for September 21, 2007, former Iranian Supreme National Security Council secretary Hassan Rohani is planning a trip to meet with European officials, according to reports in the Iranian media.

Rohani was in charge of Iran's nuclear dossier during the era of the previous Iranian president, reformist Mohammad Khatami, and was the chief negotiator with the West; currently, he is the representative of Iranian Supreme Leader 'Ali Khamenei in the council.

According to the reports, on September 19, 2007 Rohani is to meet with senior German government officials, and to speak to the E.U. Parliament; he is scheduled to meet the following day with E.U. foreign policy chief Javier Solana.(1)

This is not the first time that Supreme Leader 'Ali Khamenei has circumvented Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and presented more pragmatic stances in an attempt to solve crises which have escalated due to Ahmadinejad's extremist policies. During the 2006-7 Lebanese crisis, Khamenei maintained a direct channel of communication with Saudi King Abdullah via Khamenei's confidant, Iranian Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani, who was Ahmadinejad's competitor in the 2005 Iranian presidential election.

Click the link and read the rest.

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