Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Three Arrested in Germany for Planning Terror Attacks

Alrighty then! Why can't we all just leave these nice religious people alone? All they want to do is to make a point, convert the world to Islam and live in peace! Judas Priest, fellas! Give it a rest!

Whoa! I was having a Leftinistra Appeasement Moment but, I removed my head from my hinder hole, got some fresh air and now, I am OK. WHEW! For a minute there I thought ReidCo was my hero but thank God he is still our zero.

So, there was an Islamist/Jihadist web site that was calling for violence in Denmark and just a bit "southish" of there, we have another group getting busted in Germany. I wonder if the arrests in Denmark resulted in the apprehension of these murderous thug cretins in Germany? Did they make them wear panties on their heads or, were they shown nekid pictures of Rosie No Whoop?

Hopefully, the powers-that-be will get what they need from these scum and bust more of them.

FINALLY, folks have begun to chatter!

A cool picture or two here:
BERLIN - Three suspected Islamic terrorists from an al-Qaida-influenced group nursing "profound hatred of U.S. citizens" were arrested on suspicious of plotting imminent, massive bomb attacks on U.S. facilities in Germany, prosecutors said Wednesday.

German Federal Prosecutor Monika Harms said the three, two of whom were German converts to Islam, had trained at camps in Pakistan run by the Islamic Jihad Union, a group based in Central Asia. They had obtained some 1,500 pounds of hydrogen peroxide for making explosives.

"We were able to succeed in recognizing and preventing the most serious and massive bombings," Harms told reporters.

Harms declined to name specific targets, but said the suspects had an eye on institutions and establishments frequented by Americans in Germany, including discos, pubs and airports.

Armed German special police officers escort a handcuffed suspect (L) from the German Federal Court of Justice in Karlsruhe September 5, 2007. (Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters)
Reuters Photo: Armed German special police officers escort a handcuffed suspect (L) from the German Federal Court...
Slideshow: 3 terror suspects arrested in Germany

Hot Air reports on shoes dropping...
As predicted in the update to yesterday’s post about the Danish terror busts. I’ll be shocked if these three aren’t connected in some way to the eight pinched in Copenhagen. Both groups are alleged to have connections to Al Qaeda in Pakistan and, per the L.A. Times’s report on the arrests in Copenhagen, “[police chief Jakob] Sharf pointedly avoided confirming whether the attack would have been carried out in Denmark, thereby leaving open the scenario of a plot staged for execution in a neighboring country.” Like Germany, maybe? CNN:

Do the clicking and read all there is to read.

Track back: (an EXCELLENT recap, btw...Wake Up America)

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