Sunday, September 2, 2007

Today In History

AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 2, 1945, Japan formally surrendered in ceremonies aboard the USS Missouri, ending World War II.
Audio Link Supreme Allied Commander Douglas MacArthur
Audio Link President Harry S. Truman declares V-J Day
AP Photo

1864 -Union Gen. William T. Sherman's forces occupied Atlanta during the Civil War.

1901-Vice President Theodore Roosevelt offered the advice, "Speak softly and carry a big stick," in a speech at the Minnesota State Fair.

1935-A hurricane slammed into the Florida Keys, claiming 423 lives.
Did Bush do it?
1944 -Navy pilot George H.W. Bush was shot down by Japanese forces as he completed a bombing run over the Bonin Islands. The future president was rescued by a U.S. submarine.
Did Bush do it?

1945Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam an independent republic.
AP Photo

1969-North Vietnamese President Ho Chi Minh died.

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