Saturday, September 8, 2007

Today In History

A little behind on this series...


AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 6, 1901, President William B. McKinley was shot and mortally wounded by anarchist Leon Czolgosz at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, N.Y.

Read the original AP story

AP Photo
1941- Jews over the age of 6 in German-occupied areas were ordered to wear yellow Stars of David.

1970-Palestinian guerrillas seized control of three jetliners, which were later blown up on the ground in Jordan after the passengers and crews were evacuated.

1975- Czechoslovakian tennis player Martina Navratilova, in New York for the U.S. Open, requested political asylum.

2002- Meeting outside Washington D.C., for only the second time since 1800, Congress convened in New York to pay homage to the victims and heroes of Sept. 11, 2001.
And then came the political football sham


AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 7, 1940, the German air force began its blitz on London during World War II.
Audio Link CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow
AP Photo
1977The Panama Canal treaties, calling for the United States to turn over control of the waterway to Panama, were signed in Washington.
AP Photo

2006-Former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage confirmed he was the source of a leak that had disclosed the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame, saying he didn't realize Plame's job was covert.
And where is the outrage from the morons on the left?

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