Friday, September 21, 2007

Today In History


AP Highlight in History:
On Sept. 21, 1949, the People's Republic of China was proclaimed by its Communist leaders.
AP Photo
1897The New York Sun ran an editorial that answered a question from 8-year-old Virginia O'Hanlon: "Is there a Santa Claus?"

1938 A hurricane struck parts of New York and New England, causing widespread damage and claiming more than 600 lives.
Bush did it...

1973 The Senate confirmed Henry Kissinger to be secretary of state.

1977President Jimmy Carter's budget director, Bert Lance, resigned amid controversy over past business and banking practices.
But it is OK if one is a Democrat

1998President Bill Clinton's videotaped grand jury testimony was publicly broadcast. In it, Clinton sparred with prosecutors about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky, at one point answering a question by saying, "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."
Did we ever find out what is is?

2001Congress approved $15 billion to help an airline industry reeling from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

2003 NASA's Galileo spacecraft plunged into Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere, bringing a fiery conclusion to a 14-year exploration of the solar system's largest planet and its moons.

2006 The White House and rebellious Senate Republicans announced agreement on rules for the interrogation and trial of suspects in the war on terror.

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