Monday, September 17, 2007

Vets For Freedom In DC!!

We had a GREAT evening here in DC. We had several guest speakers as we milled about, had dinner and listened to the speakers.

We were instructed to speak from our hearts and relate our experiences to the CONgress Critters as we visited them. We were to be courageous and firm yet cordial and professionals...because we ARE professionals, unlike the Moonbats of The Fruit Loop Brigades.

We are professional warriors all. We know that which is at stake because we have met the enemies over there and over here.

Congressman Brian Baird said: "I can get another job. I cannot get another country." He also said: "General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker were grilled by those in Congress giving 7.5 minute speeches in stead of shutting the hell up and listening to two of America's finest."

You will have to wait for the CD/DVD for the rest of the guest speaker's remarks.

These were the guest speakers:

Wade Zirkle (USMC, Ret), Founder VFF
David Bellavia (US Army, Ret), Founder VFF
Congressman Brian Baird (D-WA)
Congressman Jim Marshall (D-GA)
General Jack Kean (US Army, Ret), former Vice Chief of Staff, United States Army
Fred Kagan, Resident Scholar, American Enterprise Institute
Kim Kagan, Director, Institute for the Study of War

Tomorrow, at 0500 hours, we embark on a truly peaceful "assault" into Indian Country. We won't desecrate memorials. We won't crap on anyone's flag. We won't fly an American flag upside down. We won't carry a banner that supports the murder of American Troops.

We will conduct ourselves as Professional Military Men and Women, because we are professionals. We respect the property of others and we respect the Laws of The Land. That is what professionals do, of many things.

I won't be able to "live blog" but I will be able to call in to some folks and report in.

We have been told of a major development for the Group, VFF, but we will have to wait for 0645 hours to roll around.

Anticipation anyone?

Another item we were told of follows thusly: paraphrased from Brian Baird)

Those that whine and carry on about the political situation in Iraq clearly have lost the ability to comprehend that which the politicians of Iraq face each and every day. When the politicians get their wires crossed with their constituencies, they get killed. And the whiners whine. "And we cannot get anything done and the only fear we have is those from the MoveOn moonbats and people wearing pink petticoats!" (We ALL nearly fell out of our chairs.)

Just thought I would leave y'all with a little funny on a serious note.

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