Saturday, September 22, 2007

Vets For Freedom...They Have A blog

Just in case some of you wonder where I get quite a bit of my data in regards to Boots On The Ground, I get it from the blog at Vets For Freedom. I get data from other milblogs also but VFF has some interesting contributors.

The Leftinistra cannot boast of such purity in the stories at milblogs. Every time, in recent months, their "in the know" types have been discredited and exposed as the Fraud Veterans which they are.

A sampling of the contributors at VFF:

Of Mice and Men

Last week we heard Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid proclaim that General Patreaus was out of touch with the situation on the ground in Iraq (as a refresher, General Patreaus is the one who is trying to win a war against ruthless extremists; Harry Reid is the one who wants to pack up and go home because he can win a few Senate seats out of an American defeat). This week we get word of a Gallup poll that shows how much the American people actual approve of the Harry Reids and the General Patreauses of the world:

"The percentage of Americans that expressed they had a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in the U.S. Congress was only a mere 14%. This is the lowest percentage ever recorded by the Gallup organization and was the lowest confidence level given to any of the 16 institutions evaluated. Gallup analysts asserted that this was the lowest level recorded in the past 30 years....

...Almost 7 out of 10 Americans (69%) said that they had "quite a lot" or a "great deal" of confidence in the military."

Good work, Harry.

I don’t think Harry Reid’s Democrats will care to read Ralph Peters’ (a retired soldier) op-ed today about our recent and remarkable successes Iraq:

And let's not lose sight of our own national-security priority, which is defeating al Qaeda. Terror International is having a really bad time in Iraq these days: More and more Sunni Arabs are breaking with al Qaeda and its affiliates over their insufferable brutality. The Baquba-area operations involve former enemies now fighting on our side against the foreign terrorists. That's not just good news for Iraq. It's good news for America....

...Still, there's reason for sober optimism at the moment: We've finally got a coherent approach to defeating our enemies, not just parrying them. It looks like our military leaders have gotten serious at last.

God help us, it almost looks like we want to win."

Read the whole article here.

And the leftinistra think they have "it" over such men as of "ours".

Friggin morons.

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