Friday, October 26, 2007

Anti AQ Parade In Ramadi...Doing The Job The Lame Stream Won't

Hat Tip
to Wake Up America for this data.

There was a parade in downtown Ramadi, Iraq on 10/25/07 and much like the Medal of Honor recipient, Lt. Michael Murphy, the recipient of the first congressional Medal of Honor in the War on Terror was ignored by the Lame Stream Media, so was this parade.

From Wake Up America:
I think one of the most damning things about our media today is when you look for the recent parade that was held in Ramadi, Iraq, this week, when you do a search, there is very little in the news about it. (Time article about the parade)


This parade is very significant for several reasons but the primary reason I see this as very significant is that just a few days ago, OBL, acting like our own Democratic Party Leaders and some Republican Party Leaders, began the whining about "why can't we all get along?" and acting like a spoiled brat when things aren't going his way.

He, as most of the political leaders of the Democrats, cannot and will not admit defeat...they blame someone or something else.

For a more in depth analysis of the OBL whine and cry incident, go here or here.

To see the responses of OBL's pathetic plea from other mutants of the genre of flaming fools of OBL's ilk, go here, or here.

From DefenseLink News: By David Mays, Special to American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26, 2007 – A remarkable parade in Iraq’s Anbar province, openly attended by citizens from all walks of life, demonstrates that Iraqi reconciliation efforts are working, a coalition commander said today.

“Out in al Anbar, which you know has been a difficult area about six months ago: a total change,” Army Brig. Gen. Dave Phillips told online journalists and bloggers during a conference call from Baghdad. “When they say there is an awakening, I think that's almost an understatement.”

Phillips, deputy commanding general for the Civilian Police Assistance Training Team, said he personally attended an event earlier this week that proved the awakening movement encouraged by Sunni sheiks is working.

“This past Tuesday, I went out to Ramadi,” the general explained. “The Iraqis came up with a concept of a Unity Day parade. Never in my wildest imagination did I ever think Ramadi would host a parade which would be led with a band playing and then also young Iraqi boy scouts marching with flags, young Iraqi girl scouts marching with flags, followed by the fire department, the national police, the regular police, ambulances. Never dreamed I would see something like that.”

Increased security in Iraqi communities allows such open celebrations to take place, Phillips explained. To that end, the general said, he and his team have helped hire more than 13,000 new Iraqi police officers just in the past two months.

“We have more people signing up than what we actually have ability to hire,” Phillips explained. “And when I say ‘we,’ I'm referring to the Iraqis.”

Tomorrow, 450 Iraqi police officers will begin 10 weeks of specialized training led by Italy’s fabled Carabinieri force, the general said.

“The national police of Iraq are structured very similar to the Carabinieri in Italy,” Phillips explained. “The Carabinieri have nationwide authority; so do the (Iraqi) national police. They can deploy anywhere in the country, and they're a high-end police force that can transition very rapidly to almost light infantry. And so we saw the parallels there.”

In addition to the thousands of police applicants, thousands more Iraqis are volunteering to patrol their own neighborhoods as “concerned local citizens” the general said.

“Most of them bring their own weapons with them,” Phillips said. “They will work with the Iraqi police, and they will be responsible for guarding a block or a corner or some area. And they basically are auxiliaries. They help the police. They can't make arrests, but they are there as eyes and ears on the street, and they provide information.”

So far, more than 50,000 concerned local citizens have offered their services in and around Fallujah, Muqdadiyah, and Diyala, the general said.

“Some are paid. A vast majority are not paid,” Phillips said. “They're doing it because they want to see a difference in their community.”

It’s clear, the general said, that Iraqi citizens are making a difference in their community when they are able to openly celebrate as they did this week in Ramadi.

“When I sat there at the Ramadi parade, that evening I contacted my wife and told her that for one of the first times in a long time, I was very optimistic,” he said. “In the past, I was cautiously optimistic, but what I saw at Ramadi, to me, that was one of those days to where you realized you are witnessing something extremely special.”

(David Mays works in New Media at American Forces Information Service.)

The video can be viewed here or click my VODPOD above. The Americans were invited to witness this parade. Security was extremely tight but the fact that the parade took place without incident is a tribute to the hard work that our Armed Services have rendered to the returning to normalcy in Al Anbar Province.

Why is this ignored? Could it be that it goes against the grain of the idiots like Arianna Huff and Blowhard that still are stuck in their own BDS quagmire? Isn't it in the Journalist's Credo to find news and to seek truth without bias and personal feelings? Could it be that the parade and what it represents too hurtful in revealing blind rhetoric?

For a recent transcript at a news conference in regards to the successes in Iraq and the recognition of the turning point for Victory In Iraq, go here. The data therein is also largely ignored by the BDS crowds as well as the Lame Stream Media and the alleged leaders of the Democratic Party Leadership.

As an aside, click here to read the translation of the latest OBL video and audio of the plea of OBL, theoretically to unite the Iraqi people against the United States.

Poor slog. He has lost...he knows it. Our politicos know it...yet are too cowardly to accept it.

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