Thursday, October 25, 2007

As In The SCHIP Quagmire, No One Wants The DREAM Act Either

No matter the jargon and unhanded under and over tones of the socialists in the United States, no one wants the DREAM Act, either.

The vast majority WANT SCHIP when it is FIXED. It is for CHILDREN and NOT adults. Get over it. There has a been a wealth of articles written and posted everywhere but the bloggers on the right post ALL of the facts and not cherry picked pieces/parts designed to overwhelm the emotionally weak.

IBD has a poll result in regards to the DREAM Act that went down in flames...AGAIN...yesterday. The poll shows an "Across-The-Board Opposition To DREAM Act's Tuition Break.
The so-called DREAM Act, standing for "Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors" and giving children of illegal immigrants a path toward legality, failed a crucial test vote in the Senate Wednesday. Supporters needed 60 votes to advance it, and they got only 52. The measure would have allowed illegal immigrants who plan to attend college or join the military, and who came to the U.S. with their families before they turned 16, to move toward legality. But as the latest IBD/TIPP Poll shows, a provision that would let the immigrants pay in-state tuition is not popular with the public at large.

Please consider this: no matter how large or small the turd is and, no matter what color one paints said turd, the fact remains as follows; a turd is still a turd and no, you cannot pick up a turd by the clean end.

Any questions?

Catch the wave

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