Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Clear Channel Tells ReidCo To Shut Up and Sit Down

HT to The Politico

The pdf letter is here:

Freedom of Speech only applies to the Leftinistra.
"While I certainly do not agree with all views that are voiced on our stations, I will not condemn our talent for exercising their right to voice them," Mays wrote.

ReidCo was given this letter via hand-delivery after ReidCo demanded that Rush be "censored". What a moron ReidCo and ITS genre of pathetic worms are.

"Reid" the rest of the letter. It is 2 pages long. For you anti-Americanist Moonbats, that is one more than one and one less than three. I think you can handle that.

Basically, Clear Channel, in poli-speak, told ReidCo to STFU and STFD and to pound sand because how dare ReidCo deny someone's Free Speech Rights because they don't agree with what was said.

Hell, ALL of the White Flaggers have denegrated the combat troops in one form or another and have hailed the phony soldiers as heroes. One of them is in jail at this moment.

Retarded morons. I agree with Rush. Reid should resign. He is an international embarrassment.

Catch the wave here:

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