Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Code Pepto Dismal anti-Americanists Trounced in Berzerkely

From Move America Forward web site:

Huge, Huge Success in Berkeley!

Hundreds Turn Out to Support U.S. Troops in - yes - Berkeley, California!!!

Mark this day down folks. It was Wednesday, October 17, 2007 that hundreds of pro-troop supporters turned out for a giant pro-troop rally in Berkeley, CA (one of the most anti-military & anti-war cities in this nation). Not only did the size of the rally shock the San Francisco Bay Area news media, it surprised the anti-war activists at Code Pink who were outnumbered on their own turf!.

Move America Forward and other pro-troop organizations and leaders put on a pro-troop rally to counter the harassment of the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center by Code Pink in Berkeley.

For 3 weeks the U.S. Marine Recruiting Center has faced protests (including vandalism and defacing of their building) and taunts against the Marines that they were "traitors" and "liars" and "murderers" and guilty of "assassination."


Move America Forward will be posting more pictures from the Troll Trouncing in the next few days so check in!

Here are the coverage outlets. Go take a look see.

TWO Videos on KPIX
KTVU Story
KTVU Video
KGO Ch7 Video
San Francisco Chronicle
Michelle Malkin’s Blog
Free Republic Thread1
Wake Up America Blog
Free Republic Thread2

The Moonbats of the anti-American Fruit Loop Brigades, financed by George Soros, were severely trounced. These idiots cannot comprehend that the men and women past and current that they are AGAINST are the VERY ones that make these idiots free to be retarded. If these ugly pukes did this over in Iran, they would be dead by dawn. George Soros should be ashamed of himself. Why did the moron come to this country, anyway?

Pipeline News has GREAT pics as well!

October 17, 2007 - Berkeley, CA - - Sick and tired of Code Pink's constant harassment of the Marine recruiting center on Berkeley's Shattuck Avenue, today Move America Forward landed on the beaches and simply overwhelmed the Pink Panty Waists.

The "Progressives" aka Commies, are not only unaccustomed to being challenged on their home turf, they come unglued when confronted by superior numbers. We felt, and tremendously enjoyed their pain.

Yes. It must have really hurt being trounced in their own socialist back yard. So, Code Pinko Dismal Morons were trounced on their own turfs in Dc and Berzerkely.


Michelle Malkin:
Reader Dr. Zoo sends photos of the Move America Forward pro-troops rally at the Marine recruiting center in Berkeley. More coming. Wonderful sight to see the Code Pinkos outnumbered and outflagged on “their” turf. Kudos to Melanie Morgan, our vets, and all the supporters who came to counter the recruiter-bashers:

Wake Up America is also covering the historical event of the Troll Trouncing in Berzerkely.
Gateway Pundit is also covering the event.

Serious Troll Trouncing Going On

Remember Nancy's Little Snit?

It MUST hurt getting trounced in your own back yard!!

As many of us have been saying for the last 2 years or so, the anti-Americanist Leftinistra are losing their steam...what is "left" of it. They have lost their forward momentum and their full steam ahead is in reverse now, desperately trying NOT to fall off of that Soros funded Abyss of Obscurity.

The whole lot of them are dumber than a box of turtle turds. And one of the anti-Americanists dared to bring a pocket knife to a Howitzer fight.

What a bunch of losers. I have heard these jack-asses say that the military is nothing but a bunch of trained killers. If that is so, is it REALLY a goos idea to piss us off?

Just wondering.

Catch the Tsunami

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