Friday, October 5, 2007

Congress At Odds On Religion? Really?

I find it hypocritical that Congress opens their sessions with a prayer and then process to attack Christianity on a regular basis.

The U.S. House of Representatives has voted for the first time to honor the Islamic holiday of Ramadan, but some conservative lawmakers wanted no part of it.

The question is, why? Why "honor" our enemies?

A Michigan congressman says he could not support a House resolution honoring the estimated 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide who are currently observing the month of Ramadan.

Tuesday the House voted 376-0 to "recognize the commencement of Ramadan" and "commend Muslims in the United States and throughout the world for their faith." Forty-two members voted "present" on the bill sponsored by Eddie Bernice Johnson and 30 others.

Among those who voted present on the resolution was Republican Tim Walberg of Michigan. "To offer respect for a major religion is one thing, but to offer respect for a major religion that has been behind the Islamic jihad, the radical jihad, that has sworn war upon the United States, its free allies and freedom in Iraq, is another thing," he stated.

Good for him (Tim Walberg).

And because of the below...
A group of federal court employees in San Diego have filed a lawsuit against their supervisors after being told they couldn't hold Bible studies on government property during their lunch hour -- even though other groups are allowed to hold meetings at the courthouse.

...we have more and more of this going on. The anti-Americanists are on their downswing of their upper hand after many years of the Silent Majority remaining silent...not any more.
The founder of Liberty Counsel says the dismissal of an ACLU lawsuit against a Ten Commandments display in one Kentucky county is not a good sign for anti-American organizations.

Pretty soon, they will have no one in their circle of friends except, well, no one. They will all jump ship when it gets full of water. No one stays with a losing team for very long.

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