Friday, October 5, 2007

Congress Vows To Restrict Intelligence Gathering

The current crop of CONgress Critters are the worse there ever was and perhaps worse than there ever will be in the future. The current crop MUST be removed from office as their election cycles come up. They have been infected by Political Correctness, Wind Direction Politics, Poll Fever, Multiculturalism, Bleeding Heart Stupidity and identity Politics.

In recent days, the House has declared its "udder" stupidity in meddling into affairs it has no idea of how to manage let alone micro-manage and that which it does not understand.

House votes to place contractors in war zones under U.S. law
The House on Thursday overwhelmingly voted to place all private contractors working in Iraq and other combat zones under the jurisdiction of U.S. courts, as Congress continues to probe last month's deadly shootings in Baghdad by Blackwater USA employees.

The 389-30 vote expanding the scope of the existing Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act came despite the strong opposition of the Bush administration, which objected to its broad application to a wide range of contractors working for U.S. agencies overseas. read more


This tells me that 389 are complete and total fools and 30 had their heads in fresh air. If they knew what these men did for their country and the sacrifices they make that NO ONE knows about except for their families and even then - sometimes not - they wouldn't act so high and mighty and holier-than-thou. Perhaps the LWPQC units should unite and go have a "parlez"? Nah. We wouldn't want the poor and depraved CONgress Pukes to piss themselves...would we?

This a blatant idiocy and it has no merit and it cannot be enforced. US Law does not extend to foreign lands. That is why there exists the UCMJ.




Catch the wave

And the idgits at Firedoglake wade in with their dog feces stuck to their shoes

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