Sunday, October 21, 2007

Crooks And Liars...Read That As Dumber and DUMBERER

Just a short blurb of the morons that got caught being well, er, uh, crooks and liars by Gateway Pundit the other day in regards to their ZERO Stark

Get a load of this whining ass retarded drivel:

Nicole Belle / Crooks and Liars:
Fox News Sunday: William "The Bloody" Kristol's Bloodlust for War with Iran — Play (162) (h/t David G.) — If it's Sunday, then it's time for [Pravda], er...FOXNews Sunday to give a platform for William "The Bloody" Kristol to get his wargasm on.
Now, isn't that the very epitome of brain dead Soros sucking BS or what?

I suppose the poor slogs that worship at the feet of the Chief Troll and Socialist Ass Wipe Soros have been so busy sucking up his spodie they missed the war that is going on at the border of Iraq and Iran in the southern regions.

Oh well. Such is the life of Morons and Cowards. Oh. Wait. That was Crooks and Liars. WOW! What do you know? The terms are synonymous. Imagine that.

I that a coincidence?

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