Saturday, October 20, 2007

An EXCELLENT Analysis...And...

I am ANGRY (not...LOL) that I didn't come up with this!

I spotted these comments at another comment location:

Iraq is Vietnam. And the Democrats have been warning us about it all along. It is Vietnam because;

1. like in Vietnam, we are winning the war, even though the Democrats tell us we're not.
2. like in Vietnam, the Iraqis want freedom, even though the Democrats tell us they don't.
3. like in Vietnam, the Democrats are using the media to fight the war for the enemy.
4. like in Vietnam, the war can be won even though Democrats tell us it can't.
5. like in Vietnam, the Democrats use the media and the election to cripple the military command.
6. like in Vietnam, the Democrats are trying to turn the country against our military.
Sounds like Vietnam to me with the same outcome if we leave. But what's a few hundred thousand deaths to the Dhimmicraps? They didn't care in Vietnam and they won't likely care in Iraq either.

Is that perfect or what?

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