Sunday, October 28, 2007


Cross posted with The Headless Thompson Gunners and A Newt One

Who do the Conservative Bloggers want for President? It's Fred Thompson
Who do the Conservative Bloggers despise? No surprise, it's the gutless, psycho Ron Paul.

Hat tip to John Hawkins at Right Wing News

Right Wing News emailed more than 225 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to send us a ranked list 1-5 of the candidates that they would most like to take the Republican nomination for President in 2008 and the 1-5 candidates they'd least like to see as the Republican nominee in 2008. Representatives from the following 52 blogs responded...

Aaron's CC, The Absurd Report, David All Group, AtlanticBlog, The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, Bit's Blog, Bluey Blog, Boi From Troy, Blonde Sagacity, Bookworm Room, The Captain's Journal, Captain's Quarters, Keith Burgess-Jackson, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Cold Fury, Conservative Grapevine, Argghhhh!, Eckernet, Election Projection, Musings, Cassy Fiano, Fraters Libertas, Jeff Gannon - A Voice of the New Media, GOPUSA Northeast, GraniteGrok, Guardian Watchblog, Freeman Hunt, Inside Larry's Head, Liberty Pundit, Likelihood of Success, Moonbattery, mountaineer musings, Newmark's Door, Newsbeat1, The Nose On Your Face, Damian Penny, Pirate's Cove, PoliPundit, PrestoPundit, Right Thinking From The Left Coast, Right Wing Rocker, Sane Nation, Matt Sanchez, Ian Schwartz, Don Singleton, Solomonia, Sister Toldjah, Slobokan's Site Of Schtuff,Stop The ACLU, Don Surber,, Vox Popoli

All participating bloggers were provided with the following list of potential candidates:
John CoxRudy GiulianiMike HuckabeeDuncan HunterAlan KeyesJohn McCainRon PaulMitt RomneyTom TancredoFred Thompson
As I mentioned earlier, the bloggers were allowed to make 1-5 ranked selections. Those selections were weighted as follows...

1) Worth 2 points2 or 3) Worth 1.5 points4 or 5) Worth 1 point
So, for example, a candidate who received two first place votes (4 points), a third place vote (1.5 points), & and three fifth place votes (3 points), would receive a grand total of 8.5 points.
Here are the selections that were made with the total number of points each candidate tallied following his/her name in parentheses...

Most Desired Nominee For 2008
10) John Cox (3.0)

9) Alan Keyes (5.0)
8) Ron Paul (9.0)
7) Tom Tancredo (20.0)
6) John McCain (28.5)
5) Mike Huckabee (37.5)
4) Mitt Romney (45.0)
3) Duncan Hunter (51.0)
2) Rudy Giuliani (55.5)
1) Fred Thompson (76.5)

Least Desired Nominee For 2008
10) Fred Thompson (4.5)

9) Mike Huckabee (13.0)
8) Duncan Hunter (13.5)
7) Mitt Romney (20.0)
6) Rudy Giuliani (22.5)
5) Tom Tancredo (35.5)
4) John Cox (41.0)
3) John McCain (41.5)
2) Alan Keyes (46.5)
1) Ron Paul (74.5)

Net Score For The 2008 Nominees (Positive Minus Negative)
10) Ron Paul (-65.5)

9) Alan Keyes (-41.5)
8) John Cox (-38.0)
7) Tom Tancredo (-15.5)
6) John McCain (-13.0)
5) Mike Huckabee (24.5)
4) Mitt Romney (25.0)
3) Rudy Giuliani (33.0)
2) Duncan Hunter (37.5)
1) Fred Thompson (72.0)


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