Monday, October 22, 2007

Helluva Way To Start A Week

Those who counsel us not to provoke Iran forget the lessons of history. Churchill didn't cause World War II; the appeasers of Nazi Germany did. And peace is an event, not a 'process.'

Democrats took control of Congress nearly a year ago, promising to end the war in Iraq, change the way Washington is run and turn the GOP into a distant second choice next year. So far, they're 0 for 3.

We have an unpatriotic idiot wanting to be the CIC and can't even properly address our Flag during the National Anthem

Schlafly not keen on GOP frontrunners
Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly is expressing strong dissatisfaction with the top-tier Republican presidential candidates. She also questions the validity of the results of the Values Voters straw poll on Saturday...

President Bush has also signed on to a U.N. scheme to dismember a sovereign state, Serbia, and hand over its province of Kosovo to Albanian nationalists and Muslim separatists. What the hell this is all about is anyone's best guest.

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has seized on an issue -- U.S. sovereignty -- that could not only win him the Republican nomination for president but propel him into the White House.

Pro-Life, Anti-Tax Indian-American Elected La. Governor
- Republican Rep. Bobby Jindal, a pro-life, pro-gun, anti-tax Rhodes scholar, won a landslide victory to become governor of Louisiana on Saturday. An Indian-American, he is the first person of color to be elected governor of Louisiana since Reconstruction...

And this is a classic moron thought process:
Kucinich: Bush Close to Igniting WWIII
- Democratic presidential hopeful Rep. Dennis Kucinich said that by raising the specter of a possible World War III predicated on Iran's nuclear energy ambitions, “the White House rodeo cowboy has gone dangerously too far and precipitously too close to igniting the war he claims to be trying to avoid.”

They Just Don’t Get LOST
By Ed Feulner
This year a Democratic majority took power on Capitol Hill. But new leadership has done nothing to address an old problem: Lawmakers racing to pass bills they haven’t actually read. Recall the Senate’s ill-fated immigration reform bill last spring. Senators didn’t bother to hold committee hearings on the measure. That bill died without a vote, because the more that senators learned about it, the less they liked it. Now consider the Law of the Sea Treaty. Experts who have looked beyond the title know that LOST would create a bureaucratic International Seabed Authority with the power to regulate trade, exploration and mining in the world’s oceans. Think of it as an aquatic United Nations of the sea…

Thanks to the loser Pelosi led useless, toothless and the worst CONgress in our Nation's history, they flamed the sparks of war between Iraqi Kurds and Turkey...

The Queen of Flipping and Flop now has to defend her vote on Iran to cater to the idiots of the kook fringe minority that are way left of the leftists...

Two idiots want...DEMAND...that they know the secrets that Israel knows about the successful attacks on Syria's nuclear facility...

And the above ain't even half of it...

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