Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hillary's $1M Drug Addict and Anti War Museum Porker

Yes, I know, this is old news and all but it came up in the GOP Debate this evening and Senator McCain presented and excellent rendering of his opinion.

I remember the Woodstock era and they were the smelly hippies of our time then and to build a museum honoring the anti-establishment, anti-war and anti-Americanists of that time, is all too telling to me and Hillary does not deserve to even think about running for President, let alone be the President of the United States.

I sure am glad that the museum honoring cowards and drug addicts won't be built.

He said when he was asked about this tribute, that he thinks that no one that supports such spending as this can be the President and he also said that he was not in attendance at Woodstock because he was tied up at the time. Here is the exact quote:
“I wasn’t there. I’m sure it was a cultural and pharmaceutical event. I was tied up at the time."
In case you are not in touch with current events, Senator McCain was a POW in North Vietnam at the time Woodstock was taking place.

That got him the ONLY standing ovation during the debate.

Good on John McCain. I think that with a little more "soap box" antics, John McCain will rise to the occasion.

Catch The Wave

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