Saturday, October 6, 2007

Military Successes Breed Political Successes

We just LOVE to rub the "told ya so" in the mugs of the anti-Americanists such as the Leftinistra of the political parties and the anti-Americanists of the alleged "peace activist" groups and the alleged "anti-war" groups. Everyone knows that they are indeed anti-Americanists...even them.

Perhaps the recent capitulation of al Sadr tells the tale which is looming in Iraq and slowly "leaking" into the fore in America. We are WINNING in iraq. So goes Iraq, so goes Al Qaida.

We have already seen that the various factions are already seeking peace agreements amongst themselves to stabalize Iraq for the sake of sovereignty and unity and joining American and coalition forces against the AQ. It must SUCK to be an AQ right now.

As our own Leftinistra, they will abandon each other and eat their own alive when the going gets tough and their side loses. No one likes to stay with a losing team. Every one likes to be associated with the Winning Team...except the Code Winkies and that genre of fools.

You can catch the wave here to witness the self-imploding of the Newshackers and that ilk of whining sycophants.

Capt Ed says it best:

Sadr appears to have capitulated to the SIIC in this instance. Over the summer, his Mahdi Army started a gunfight with the Badr Brigades during a Shi'ite holiday and pilgrimage, killing dozens. Shortly afterwards, Hakim outmaneuvered Sadr with an alliance between the SIIC, Nouri al-Maliki, and the Kurds. The alliance strengthened Maliki after Sadr withdrew his deputies from Maliki's ruling coalition, leaving Sadr more isolated than ever before, even among Shi'ites.


Like I said earlier, it must really suck to be an AQ and a Leftinistra at this time.

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