Monday, October 15, 2007

Only Fools Like ReidCo

Even in his OWN State of Nevada, Reid is looked upon in disdain. I see da stain, too.

ReidCo, in his propensity to be a complete fool, has really outdone himself this time. All of the catering and pandering to the minority in numbers in this country has cost him his dignity, his integrity and most of all, his respect. His self-esteem is in the cesspools of the Abyss of Obscurity he has dug for himself. His smear campaigns fail because he has shot his wad and has drawn blanks.

ReidCo is irrelevant in the Grand Scheme of Things...the very epitome of Loser.

The following is from a blogger that is a friend of a friend of a friend. He says it all very nicely.

Senator Reid’s Ratings Plummet

All is not lost. It appears that Nevadans, in general, are just as outraged at Senator Harry Reid’s attempts to smear Rush Limbaugh as are the rest of us (well, fair-minded people anyway). Senator Reid’s favorability ratings in Nevada have plummeted, while his unfavorability ratings have risen sharply since May. Perhaps also Reid’s attempts to denigrate our military and torpedo the war effort, and his cries that we have already “lost” the War on Terror also have something to do with this development.

Sen. Reid's Favorable Ratings Tank
Posted by TOM BEVAN, RealClearPolitics, October 15, 2007

Molly Ball of the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that Senator Harry Reid's favorable rating in Nevada has "plunged dramatically," according to a new poll. Currently, Reid's favorable rating is at 32%, while his unfavorable rating is at 51%, a net 23-point drop from the last poll taken in early May when Reid scored a 46/42 favorable/unfavorable rating.

Ball reports this is the first time Reid's unfavorable rating has eclipsed his favorable rating. It also puts him below the favorable ratings recorded by President Bush and radio host Rush Limbaugh, among others:

Senator John Ensign 51/19
Bill Clinton 51/37
Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman 42/17
Hillary Clinton 38/51
Rush Limbaugh 34/50
President Bush 34/53
Senator Harry Reid 32/51
Governor Jim Gibbons 30/29

Pollster Brad Coker of Mason-Dixon offered a wry observation of Reid and Limbaugh's similar ratings: "That's how polarizing Harry Reid has become. But Rush is trying to be polarizing. Reid just does it anyway."

Check out that mugshot of ReidCo...priceless. Anybody out there that can read body language, like I can, please let me know what you see.

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