Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Pagan Throne...CNN

Is Bill O'Reilly correct in calling CNN The Pagan Throne?

Absolutely and good on Bill O'Reilly. As one will see by going here to catch the wave, the Leftinistra lap dogs such as The Newsgaggers, Think Digress, and other such anti-American publications such as the NYSlimes, are having the usual and quite frequent emotional melt-downs. They haven't awakened to the fact yet that we in The New Media will no longer tolerate their anti-American rhetoric all in the name of "getting along".

We don't want to get along with the anti-Americanists. Why should we? We want them silenced, ignored and prosecuted for lending aid and comfort to the enemy. Is this too much to ask? Are there no men remaining in Washington? Do the diseases of political correctness, multiculturalism and identity politics trump common sense, decency and Patriotism?

It is totally evident that the enemies within want us silenced. We are the Silent Majority, silent no more...get used to it.

Today, over at Wake Up America, we find a rehash, justifiably so, of the actions of CNN, the Communist News Network from last year, recently brought to the fore by a recent article by the New York Times, lamenting the loss of the Defining Atrocity in Haditha, Iraq that really wasn't the atrocity they had hoped for.

The CNN piece, in a separate story involving the video of enemy snipers killing American Troops, was lauded as a Grand Piece of journalism. This article, coupled with the rehashing of the sniper video supports our claims of anti-American activities within our anti-Americanist media.

As in the CNN shameful video and the NYT apparent disappointment that the Haditha Marines are innocent, it is all so evident and plain for all to see that the theoretical citadels of journalism are in fact professional Anti-Americanists. They hide behind the Free Speech deal and if any of their kind ever read this piece, I will more than likely be accused of trying to suppress another's Free Speech deal. If not, I merely beat them to the punch.

And why do we call these cretins anti-Americanists? Behold.

We should not let ourselves forget when a media organization, any media organization, helps our enemies deliberately and tries to pass it off as news.

Make no mistake, when a terrorists hands you a video and asks you to play it and that video is of a terror group killing one of our soldiers, that is not news, that is deliberately becoming an outlet to spread enemy propaganda.

Purposely and deliberately trying to help our enemies in a time of war.

Isn't there a name for that?

Yes, there is.

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