Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Passe "Peace Movement"

The alleged "Peace Movement", made up primarily of used up hippies still in a stupor have been declared passe. As I have stated repeatedly on this blog and others, they ARE sliding into that Great Abyss of Obscurity.

A scant few actually consider them relevant.

In an article at Townhall, "Peace" Movement Passe? By Brent Bozell III, it states it all too clearly. I wonder if this guy has read my blog? Not hardly. A teaser...or two.

The article begins:
If the "peace" movement holds a protest and no one in the press covers it, does it still exist? If Americans are sick of the war, they're also sick of the "antiwar." Even the media have grown antiwar-weary. Rallies on Oct. 27 drew only perfunctory news mentions.

The peaceniks have become a bipartisan political problem, now that the Democrats who control Congress haven't dared to placate the radicals by cutting off money for the troops. Cindy Sheehan is threatening to run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. But suddenly -- surprise, surprise -- the media aren't interested in Sheehan's new crusade. Crusades only have a point when it's an anti-Republican point. Camping out against Bush during his Texas vacation was news, fun news, important news. But running against Pelosi is not news. It's a sign your 15 minutes of fame are all used up.


And the article ends:

But the people today are sour. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have lower approval ratings than President Bush. Right now, the "peace" movement looks passe. They have no energy, and nothing original to say, and with the change in Congress, they have no more public-relations magic. They better not stand in front of a banner reading, "Mission Accomplished."

That about sums it all up. Out of steam, out of momentum, everybody is sick of their crap and totally irrelevant...just like Ron Paul and his minions of idiocy.

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