Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Remembering the 241...24 Years Later

Catch The Wave

Michelle has a blurb and comments from others.

Fantastic Round Up at Hot Air.

Honor the 241 Marines Massacred in Lebanon. Several speeches and videos here and many pictures.

RightWing Nuthouse remembers.

Senator Mitch McConnell remembers.

HCDL remembers.

I remember. I even remember what I was doing on this day 24 years ago. Do you? This day, for me, will forever be etched in my mind and my memories like a nightmare that never changes and never goes away.

Strange as it may seem, being a Grunt, I did have Marines as friends in the business that I was in...we worked closely with our peers in The Corp. I still have some Marine friends albeit most of them are Former Marines. Tough lot they are, then and now.

On that day, we were full of disgust hate and revenge. I cannot imagine how their families felt or their fellows as the war that was declared that day was never answered...at least not disclosed to the general public, anyway.

Rest assured, the tragic event was indeed answered. It wasn't answered in the way I would have selected to answer the enemy.

To this day, there indeed remains a state of war between the terrorists and the Iranian government which financed the group as they still finance them to this day.

We remember and we will never forget.

As my friend Hawk says and reminds us all:

And for those of you in doubt that Iran is responsible in the eyes of the judicial system in this country, this from spree earlier this year:

US court fines Iran 2.65 billion for attack on U.S. Marines

Fat chance collecting but good for the court for finding Iran responsible and fining them a 2.65 billion dollar judgment.

A US federal court on Friday ordered Iran to pay 2.65 billion dollars to the families of 241 soldiers killed in the 1983 bombing of a Marine barracks in Beirut.

"The court hopes that this extremely sizeable judgment will serve to aid in the healing process for these plaintiffs, and simultaneously sound an alarm to the defendants that their unlawful attacks on our citizens will not be tolerated," judge Royce Lamberth said in his ruling from a federal court in Washington DC.

A previous court ruling in 2003 held that Iran provided financial and logistical help for the lethal 1983 attack carried out by the militant group Hezbollah.

"It is clear from testimony presented to this court ... that intense suffering experienced on that day has had a tragically lasting effect on the plaintiffs who have brought this action," Lamberth wrote.

U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth ruled Friday the families could pursue legal action on a state level, if appropriate.
I know that people are apprehensive about having to deal with Iran. Truth be told, we should have dealt with them long before now.

How long does the war need to last? That question is asked all too often. It's been going on, really, for twenty four years. We can NOT stop until we have taken every measure to ensure victory, and eliminate the enemy we have been fighting for these many years already.

Once and Always, an American Fighting Man


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