Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Stark: The Rantings Of An Ignorant Loon...UPDATED

An apology coming not from the heart but from political pressure is not an apology whatsoever. Saying that he is sorry for offending those that were offended, is not an apology whatsoever.

This DAV in no way accepts this weakling's feigned apology. He may fool some but he fools me not.

From The Hill:
Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.) apologized to the House Tuesday for controversial comments he made about the Iraq war, following an unsuccessful attempt by House Republican leaders to publicly censure the 18-term lawmaker.

“I want to apologize to my colleagues — many of whom I have offended — to the president and his family and to the troops,” Stark said. He added that he hoped the apology would allow him to “become as insignificant as I should be” as the House moves forward on critical, divisive issues.
Stark then left the podium, wiping away tears as Democratic colleagues surrounded him with supportive handshakes.


Idiot. You can bet your last dollar that the sniveling fool still feels the way he did when he uttered the words of derision on our Nation. Keep in mind that an atheist can lie and not feel any moral compunction to apologize for it.

From Fox News:

After his mea culpa, Stark walked walked off the floor to the Democratic side of the chamber and for at least five minutes stood sobbing while fellow Democrats gathered around him. Reporters close to the Speaker's Lobby were not able to hear why he was crying.

Ohio Democratic Rep. Marcy Kaptur, who was one of the members gathered around Stark, told FOX News that the war is taking a great toll on members of Congress who are going to funerals of soldiers, seeing veterans returning from war and not getting the services they need and listening to the views of their constituents.

The Iraq war "takes a great toll on members ... within that context their measure is tested, but there's not that much in the cup because it's so painful to face this and detest what's going on," Kaptur said without excusing Stark's original gaffe. "People here aren't like buttons on a computer. We are human ... we all have weakness and say things that we wish we hadn't said."

Stark's emotional demeanor was in direct contrast to his position last week, outlined in the eight-paragraph resolution that claimed his "personally abusive language" impugned the president's and Congress' motives and dishonored the troops.


Ja. Sure. I can just hear the poor slog now, over in the corner with his fellow Leftinistra, "Why did y'all make me do that? This is so demeaning and this isn't fair!"


This DAV demand that he, Stark, immediately resigns and take his proper place in the Abyss of Obscurity with the rest of the trolls. Perhaps Soros can console a fellow loser. Emotional flap-traps shouldn't be in places of authority and this is a prime example of it.

Has anyone noticed that his fellow Blame America First crowds haven't abased the fool except for Pelosi and THAT chastisement was weak at best.


From YAHOO! News:
Without debate, the House voted 196-173 to kill the proposal to censure Stark for "his despicable conduct." The vote was mostly along party lines, with all 168 Republicans on hand supporting the measure offered by Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. Five Democrats joined them.


Five Democrats sided for the right thing and the rest not. What does that tell anyone? Anything at ALL?

From Michelle Malkin:

Update: For what it’s worth, Stark apologizes first to his colleagues and then to everyone else who may have found offense in his remarks…


What a sorry excuse for a congressman.


AMEN, Michelle. A sorry excuse indeed. You have to give the fool credit for being quite the actor.

From Wake Up America:

Remember before Stark was pressured into apologizing after vowing not to, the netroots were already complaining that they felt the Democratic leadership were putting them "in their place", so after this, we can expect to see outrage and more complaints along the same lines.


In the meantime, due to horribly low poll numbers for Congress (11% approval ratings on some polls and no higher than 25% on others), Nancy Pelosi is planning a media blitz to try to counter the negativity that this 110th Congress is being seen with.


As myself and many others have stated much to the derision of the anti-Americanists and this latest happenstance proving our claims and points, this CONgress and the vaunted majority that CANNOT fulfill their campaign promises, is singularly an international embarrassment. If the fruit loops give a damn about what the rest of the world thinks of the United States, look no further than your own dysfunctional leaders.

Catch the tsunami

Others blogging:
Paddy / Cliff Schecter: What a joke. … Cry babies is right. We should start a drive …
Mike Carney / On Deadline: Tearful Democrat apologizes for offending Bush, troops in Iraq
The Nation: Pelosi's Stark Rebuke
Gaius / Blue Crab Boulevard: A Derailment On The Way To The Trainwreck — The Hill is on a roll today.

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