Tuesday, October 2, 2007

TNR And Pinched Udders

This is REALLY too much. I suppose they haven't learned their lessons or they think no one is watching them. Good thing Michelle Malkin and Hot Air are on the job.




The New Republic: My new favorite unintentional humor magazine.

If I could cackle like Hillary right now, I would.


Franklin Foer was, uh, unavailable for comment.

Hot Air:

File this under: How did this get past the editors? Oh, right, this is The New Republic we’re talking about, where editors don’t actually, you know, edit.

Is The New Republic dumb enough to weigh in on the Rush Limbaugh “phony soldiers” phony controversy? Why yes, yes it is. Eve Fairbanks, thankyouverymuch for inserting The New Republic and its unique history regarding phoniness into this story. You would have been wiser to do what your editor did a couple of weeks ago and just stay under your desk.

Fairbanks’ post over at TNR’s The Plank begins:

Click the links and be prepared to learn the Hillary Crackle.

TNR and most of the loser moonbats haven't a clue what they are talking about. El Rushbo said nothing of the sort and ReidCo knows it. So does the Phoney Vet Harkin.

Morons all, grasping at straws as they plunge head-first into that Abyss of Obscurity.

Absolutely and pleasantly refreshing.

The Moonbat Fruit Loop Brigades, like I have been saying for at least three years, have lost their grip all together on the throats of America and we in The New Media are fighting back and they know it, hate it, and don't know what to do about it.

We are stronger-willed than they will ever pretend to be.

We are Warriors...they are worriers. Therein lies the major difference between us.

El Rushbo has demanded that ReidCo step down and he should. It is ReidCo that has worked as hard as he could to demoralize our troops, my son and I among those troops.

We don't like ReidCo and if we are the stone-cold killers that the genre of ReidCo so state, it would be unwise to piss as off, don't ya think?


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