Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Dear Vets for Freedom member:

What news have you heard about Iraq since General Petraeus and Vets for Freedom were on Capitol Hill in September? If you're like most Americans, the answer is "very little."

Why? I believe it is because the situation in Iraq has fundamentally changed. And while the media has always been quick to report bombings and failures in Iraq, it is simply not reporting the good news.

The change is that-today-most of the news coming out of Iraq is positive. There is no doubt that real and sustainable progress is happening in Iraq. The courage of our troops, and the nature of their new counter-insurgency strategy, is paying off.


For the next two months, Vets for Freedom will be making a coordinated effort to get the good news out about Iraq. We will be targeting the American public, elected officials, candidates, and the media.

You see, Al Qaeda in Iraq is on the run, Iraqi Security Forces are fighting hard to take back their country, and local Iraqi leaders are taking control of their neighborhoods. This is all good news - but it is not reaching the ears of the American people.

Our campaign will include television and radio ads, grassroots efforts, town hall meetings, highlighting pro-mission candidates, and events. We have also added a "Progress in Iraq" section to our website, where you can go to get the latest facts and statistics about the good things happening in Iraq.

CLICK HERE to see the "Progress in Iraq" Section.

In addition, each week we will be asking you-the membership of Vets for Freedom-to get involved. And together, we will help get the good news out about Iraq.


This week, help us spread the word about Vets for Freedom, so that we can spread the word about progress in Iraq.

Our goal is to add 5,000 new Vets for Freedom members in the next two weeks, and as a member of the team, you are the best messenger to bring new faces and voices to our organization.

This week, we need you to reach out to guys from your platoon/section/troop, buddies who recently returned from overseas, or any veterans you know. In addition, reach out to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and like-minded Americans.

Help us grow the Vets for Freedom team today in 3 simple steps:

1) CLICK HERE: {in this case, email Snooper and if I know you, I will send you the link...don't need no stinkin' troll "infiltraitors".

Spread the word about VetsForFreedom.org:

Vets for Freedom was founded by a group of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans who support our troops and their mission. Until then, the voices of combat troops with first-hand experience had largely been ignored by many policymakers and the media. In January 2006, this group of veterans, enlisted personnel, and officers decided to take action. Vets for Freedom was formed to educate the public and mobilize support for our troops and their mission. We need your help! In order to spread the message about the positive successes our mission is having in Iraq and Afghanistan take two simple steps:

1. Type or copy the email addresses of six friends who might be interested in joining the Vets for Freedom team.

2. Click "Send Now" and those on your list will receive your message and be on their way to mobilizing veterans to communicate America's strategic objectives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen in Iraq are doing incredible things, and we owe it to them to ensure that the facts about their mission reach the American public. Their story must be told. We've got their backs-join today!

2) Type or copy the email addresses of six friends who might be interested in joining the Vets for Freedom team and add your own personal message.

3) Click "Send Now" and those on your list will receive your message and be on their way to mobilizing veterans to communicate America's strategic objectives in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Soldiers and Marines in Iraq are doing incredible things, and we owe it to them to ensure that the facts about their mission reach the American public. Their story must be told. We've got their backs-join us.

Move out and draw fire!

Pete Hegseth
Executive Director
Vets for Freedom

The above was the email I received from VFFHQ. Below, is data the Lame Stream and the likes of ReidCo and PelosiCo and any number of other anti-Americanists DON'T want you to know.

Since the “Surge” of troops was completed in June of this year, violence throughout Iraq has reduced dramatically. The combination of additional troops, and more importantly a new counter-insurgency strategy, are undeniably responsible for the reduction.

Below you will see FACTS about the dramatic drop in violence. We have broken them down to the “Surge Focus” (June-October 2007) and to “One Year Focus.”

Visit this site weekly to get the latest data. We also plan to add data about political and economic progress.


Fact: Since June, Iraqi civilian casualties have dropped 56.4% (1,148 in June, 501 in October). Source: www.icasualties.org

* This number verifies that the U.S goal of “population protection,” is gradually being met.

Fact: Since June, Coalition Forces casualties have dropped 68.5% (108 in June, 34 in October). Source: www.icasualties.org

* Despite an aggressive counter-insurgency posture, U.S. troop deaths have dropped, because they have slowly gained the trust of the population groups they are protecting (alongside Iraqi forces).

Fact: Since June, Coalition Forces casualties by IED have dropped by 78.3% (74 in June, 16 in October). Source: www.icasualties.org

* This number is a direct result of an increase in tip from Iraqis (over four times as many as last year). More IEDs are being found than are detonating on U.S. Forces.

Fact: Since June, Iraqi Security Forces casualties have dropped by 68.9% (197 in June, 67 in October). Source: www.icasualties.org

* Our counter-insurgency campaign has also made the operating environment safer for our Iraqi allies.


* New leadership (Gen Petraeus), a new strategy (counter-insurgency), and additional troops (the “surge”), have made an enormous difference over the past year.

* Iraq is no longer caught in the “civil war” that plagued it following the Samarra mosque bombing in February of 2006.

Fact: Since September of 2006, overall civilian casualties in Iraq have dropped by 77.8% (3,389 in September ’06, 752 in September ’07). Source: www.icasualties.org

Fact: Since October of 2006, Coalition Forces casualties have dropped by 69.1% (110 in October ’06, 34 in October ’07). Source: www.icasualties.org

Fact: Since September of 2006, Iraqi Security Forces casualties have dropped by 36% (150 in September ’06, 96 in September ’07). Source: www.icasualties.org


Snooper is recruiting. Join me.

Catch the wave

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