Monday, October 29, 2007

Waldo's Sockpuppetry Exposed...Again...UPDATED With Screen Shots

In regards to the Salon quagmire as developed by one Greeny Waldo, I first too made note of it on the 28th, not very long after he first posted his non-story, around 5 hours after his initial post. I thought the post to be yet another sad and failed attempt to depict the United States Military as a sad state of affairs and yet another attack on General Petraeus. It simply failed. But, I was correct.

My original post can be read here and a subsequent post soon thereafter can be found here, as he posted update after update, trying to squirm his way out of his own primordial ooze. just in case, I have screen shots of his entire pathetic ramblings of untruths and spun realities, bent to suit his Leftinistric stupidities.

Since that time several others have come to the same conclusion as I...his attempt at artistic freedom to paint a picture that never was, failed miserably and his sad attempts at spin has "udderly" failed.

Jules Crittendon has Greeny Waldo's sockpuppetry exposed and Hot Air has a timeline of similar mental issues that Greeny Waldo is suffering from.

From Wake up America, the entire email is up and Ace of Spades is having way too much fun pointing out that garbage like this is nothing new to Salon's driveling fools.

This is a prime example of why we in The New Media are so important in countering these pathetic wonders and bringing truth out in the open.

[UPDATE]: I have seen where Waldo supporters are whining about one thing or another and are apparently unaware that certain aspects of the alleged email have been omitted. I have some screen shots of the entire post up to and including the eighth update of the lame posting. Compare the screen shots to the actual email...

The full and actual email:
I had hoped to post this in response to your article, but apparently it is closed already.

I am not sending this as anyone's spokesperson, just a straight military Public Affairs Officer, with about 27 months overall time in Iraq who is concerned with accuracy, context and characterization of information and has worked with media of all types since joining the career field in 1991.
The issues of accuracy, context, and proper characterization is something that perhaps you could do a little research and would assume you are aware of as a trained lawyer.

I do enjoy reading your diatribes as they provide comic relief here in Iraq. The amount of pure fiction is incredible. Since a great deal of this post is just opinion and everyone is entitled to their opinions, I will not address those even though they are shall we say -- based on few if any facts. That does surprise me with your training as a lawyer, but we will leave those jokes to another day.

You do have one fact in your post -- then Brigadier General Bergner did work at the National Security Council on matters concerning Iraq. Not surprising as he had returned from a year plus deployment to Iraq as the Multi-National Division - North Assistant Division Commander. It would seem reasonable that someone with Iraq experience would work issues at the NSC that was familiar with and had experience in Iraq. All else after that portion in your post about Major General Bergner is just your wishful thinking to support your flawed theory.

The claims about Steve Schmidt being out here on the staff in Iraq are just flat wrong. Pray tell, where do you think he is and how long have you fantasized that he has been here? Based on our records of who is in Iraq, I am really sorry to disappoint you, but he just isn't here.
You are either too lazy to do the research on the topics to gain the facts, or you are providing purposeful misinformation -- much like a propagandist.
Schmidt was here, but at the time for the vote on the Iraqi Constitution, October 2005 for 30 days. He was never on the MNF-I staff and for that short period was actually detailed to the Department of State. He hasn't been back since. Sorry to burst your bubble, but a little actual research on your part would have shown that he is actually not here, but that would contradict your conspiracy theory. I am curious as to when you think the media relations or operations changed here in Iraq. I in fact do know exactly the day and time that it changed and want to see if you are even in the same ballpark as reality.
For the third matter concerning the Beauchamp investigation and the documents that were leaked - it is very unfortunate that they were - but the documents are not secret or classified. So, there is your third major error in fact. Good thing you are not a journalist. The information that was released and it appears that has since been taken off the net is more of a matter concerning the Privacy Act. Since we don't know who released them, we are not able to take the appropriate actions and the media tends not to give up their sources -- good, bad or indifferent...I will not judge. That is our system and we must work with it.

As for working in secret with only certain media is laughable. The wide swatch of media engagements is by far the most diverse it could be. But you might not think it that way since we chose not to do an interview with you. You are not a journalist nor do you have any journalistic ethical standards as we found out from the last time I engaged with you. As we quickly found out, you published our email conversation without asking, without permission -- just another case in point to illustrate your lack of standards and ethics. You may recall that a 30-minute interview was conducted with the program that you claim to be a contributor. So instead of doing the interview with you, we went with the real talent, Alan Colmes.

I also noticed that you fail to mention the amount of material that is leaked to those other publications that I dare you to call right-wing like the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc. I do not condone or wish them to happen, but it happens. If you believe they are right-wing, then again, it is nice to live in a fantasy world.

I invite you to come see for yourself and go anywhere in Iraq you want, go see what our forces are doing, go see what the other coalition forces are doing, go hang out with the reporters outside the International Zone since that is where they live and work and see for yourself what ground truth is so that you can be better informed. But that would take something you probably don't have.


Steven A. Boylan
Colonel, US Army
Public Affairs Officer

Now, compare the above to the below...

Does anyone see what is missing?

Curious lot these Leftinistra anti-Americanist buffons...

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