Sunday, November 4, 2007

101st Airborne...The New Sheriff

Snooper here...proud father of a Screaming Eagle, Air Assault. He is now with the 101st in Iraq, currently situated at Camp Striker with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team. If you look really hard in the pictures, you will be able to pick him out...he is the one in digital camo.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

CAMP STRIKER, Iraq. The Army's most-deployed brigade traded seats with the brigade with the highest percentage of multiple deployers at a ceremony on Camp Striker Nov. 2.

Iraqi army generals and prominent tribal sheiks of Southern Baghdad were among the dignitaries who attended the ceremony that marked the official transfer of authority from the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault).

Third Infantry Division Commander Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch bid the Commandos adieu and welcomed the Rakkasans. [...]

[...] The Rakkasans' Civil-Military Operations Officer Maj. Robert Bertrand, said the attendance of Iraqi leaders at the ceremony demonstrated the combined works of tribal sheiks, Iraqi army division and brigade commanders, Iraqi government and Coalition Forces to create a safe, secure and growing Iraq.
Video of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team is here.

The 1st brigade is also in the news. Go here for the video. It shows the "package of a transfer of authority ceremony for the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division beginning their tour of duty in Iraq."

Stay safe, MJ!

UPDATE: Here is a video of 101st Soldiers mingling with Iraqis. Go here to read about the Rakkasans helping Iraqis with legal issues. Image 1 and Image 2.

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