Friday, November 16, 2007

ACTION ALERT!! Move America Forward



The Following was received in an email message from Move America Forward (Mary Pearson).


Meet Marsha Weinerman, a city official from Cambridge, Massachusetts.

She's made news recently because she decided to shut down the Boy Scouts care package collection boxes. You see, the Boy Scouts were sending care packages for our troops to enjoy at the holidays. But Marsha Weinerman said the Boy Scouts actions are 'too pro-war' and ordered law enforcement to remove the care package collection boxes.

The Boy Scout's troop leader is outraged:

"We have never seen anything like this decision in Cambridge before," Patterson wrote. The city is changing for the worse if decisions like this are allowed to be made."

Contact Ms. Weinerman and let her know that it is our troops' service that protects the rights of all Americans-including our freedom to vote:

Or call Ms. Weinerman's office at: (617) 349-4363

You can show up Ms. Weinerman and those opposed to our troops by sponsoring a Christmas/holiday care package for our troops-and we'll be more than happy to send it over to Iraq and Afghanistan with love and appreciation:

And here's more on this story:

Melanie Morgan's got more on the story here:

Complete report at Move America Forward's "Daily File Blog"

Melanie Morgan also references this in her brand new WorldNetDaily column here:
[...] While these teenage troublemakers and their graying pony-tailed elders chant protests and go home to a warm house and a hot meal, they cannot be bothered to send a care package or a note of thanks or a Christmas card to the troops who they claim to support.

In Cambridge, Mass., the Boy Scouts were even ordered to remove collection boxes that gathered items for care packages for our troops.

Local city official Marsha Weinerman accused the Boy Scouts of being too "pro-war". (Those of you who wish to accuse Ms. Weinerman of being too anti-American are invited to do so by e-mailing her at - be sure to let her know that, unlike her, most Americans are determined to show our troops we love and support them during the holiday season.)

Perhaps Marsha Weinerman and the city officials of Cambridge would be more interested in checking out the current calendar of Code Pink, which lists efforts to shut down military recruiting centers with "Breastfeeding/Playgroup for Peace" and "Circus Acts: Juggling for Peace." Here's their calendar for subverting victory. [...]
And here are the media stories about Ms. Weinerman's atrocious conduct: Breitbart

Wicked Local Boston Magazine

The Staff of Move America Forward


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