Saturday, November 24, 2007

Amazing: Democrats Can't Tell Which Way The Wind Is Blowing


While the Democrat Leadership is reinventing a device to detect wind direction, the Conservative Tsunami will sweep them into the Abyss of Obscurity. The sooner the better. Has someone cloned Stupid while no one was looking?

The headline: US presidential candidates struggle to gauge public mood on Iraq

Judas Priest. Are they really that thick in the skull, or what?
Now that violence in Iraq is abating and other issues are consuming more of the presidential debates, political activists are wondering if the war will prove to be the defining issue that Democrats have long assumed. [...]
Read the above as follows; The political activists, namely, the anti-Americanist groups such as the communist advocates of the Che Gueverra proponents of the non A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, Code Pepto Dismal, the World Can't Wait and other similar drivel and hate filled groups, are no longer listened to because they are insignificant and useless to the Democratic Party Leaders now that we are winning the war. [...]

Read the rest of the article and you will witness for yourself how irrelevant the moonbats in the passe Fruit Loop Brigades are.

The defining tenet in the article is as follows...please follow closely:
[...] "George Bush is on the ballot in 2008," Emanuel said. [...]
Is that rich or what? Therein is the downfall of the campaigns amongst the Leftinistra candidates of Presidential Aspirants. Their moonbat base will think that GWB is running again. So sad to be that dumb.

Catch the wave at memeorandum:

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